048 Buanda Boulevard Saduc, Islamic City of Marawi , Philippines


Contact Nos.:(063)3520-357: +639155535361

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Mapandi Memorial Medical and Educational Center, Inc. started as the Clinica Mapandi on Nov. 11, 1973 at Raya Saduc, Marawi City.  Expanding its role for preventive Health programs and curative health services, it was transferred to Lilod Saduc, Marawi City in a two thousand square meters lot, now renamed as the Mapandi Memorial Hospital, duly licensed medical institution on March 30, 1975 with laboratory, radiological and surgical services.

In its pursuit to undertake and formulate viable health related courses supportive of the government’s educational programs to attain good mental health for the people, the Mapandi Memorial Hospital School of Midwifery was established on June 21, 1978 in an adjacent acquired area of eight thousand square meters.  It was a breakthrough that opened up health consciousness on the Maranao womenfolk, both as an instrument of a home vocation and professional upliftment.

To affect a smooth administration and to interlink the hospital and school divisions, the Mapandi Management System was established on September 9, 1982.  The need for a cooperative endeavor in the different commitments towards development, the Mapandi Memorial Medical and Educational Center Inc. was established and was duly approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 16, 1984.

click map to enlarge

To affect a smooth administration and to interlink the hospital and school divisions, the Mapandi Management System was established on September 9, 1982.  The need for a cooperative endeavor in the different commitments towards development, the Mapandi Memorial Medical and Educational Center Inc. was established and was duly approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 16, 1984.

The school facility gears to illumine young minds through the sciences to find the wisdom of Divine Truth, and inspires moral values directed towards virtue that enjoins what is good and forbid what is evil.  This resulted to an expansion, so that in the SY 1983-84, the College of Nursing and the High School Department were added to the curriculum courses of the school.  It has become imperative that the Mapandi Memorial Hospital School of Midwifery be changed to the Mapandi Memorial College effective November, 1986 under Board Resolution No. 12, series of 1986.

In School Year 1985-86, the Health Aide course was added.  With the growing responsive need both for science and technology, the College of Medical Technology was established in the SY 1986-87. As the nucleus for a graduate school with enough manpower expertise in the fundamental education for the next generations, the College of Education was established in SY 1989-1990 corollary to its avowed goal of academic excellence.  A separate unit was established to take care of religious and moral values, seminars among students and employees under the Mapandi Research and Islamic Foundation.

In the SY 1996-1997, the College of Computer Science was established in anticipation for the next millennium, the era of computerized science and technology.

In SY 1998-1999, the Basic Education was established for the very young minds, the pre-schoolers—an assurance of best and talented young generation.  This is the first time for the school to accept boys for the elementary education.

Three years ago, SY 2000-2001, realizing the needs for effective administrative and management concept both for private and government institution, the College of Management Accounting was created to complete the College of Medical and Information Technology.

Hence, the Mapandi Memorial College, where education is liberal and where a habit is formed which last for and through life of which the attributes are: freedom, equitableness, calmness, moderation and WISDOM. These are the special fruits of education furnished at the Mapandi Memorial College.

Interestingly, in order to be more responsive and attune efficiently with the emerging realities in this era of globalization MMMEC has just created an Institute for Islamic and Malay studies aimed at enhancing better relationship with the Muslim world.  Furthermore, MMMEC intends to have a dynamic polytechnic college as prelude towards becoming an University, Insha ALLAH.





Message from Our President

The Founder

Administration/Faculty & Staff

Our Belief/Mapandi Hymn

Course Offered

Mapandi Memorial Hospital

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